The Choir

"I will sing with the spirit and understanding also"

Who we are...

The history of St. George's Parish Church Choir traces back to the 1800s, when the church itself stood as a beacon of faith and community in the heart of New Mills, as it sill does to this day.  As the congregation grew, so did the desire to elevate their worship experience through the power of music.

Generations of families have passed through the choir's ranks, with parents passing down their love for music and faith to their children and grandchildren. The sense of teamwork within the choir has always been at the forefront, with members forging deep friendships and bonds that extend far beyond their shared passion for singing.

The choir sing at the weekly Sung Parish Eucharist every Sunday and also at special services, events and festivals throughout the year.

Organist & Choir Director: Tim Hawkins

Sub-Organist: Carolyn Hawkins

Assistant Organist: Mair Carnforth

Assistant Organist: Tim Banham



Join us...

Do you have a passion for music that lifts the soul and stirs the heart? Are you seeking a group where your voice can be part of something truly special? Look no further! We invite you to join St. George's Parish Church Choir.
Whether you're an experienced vocalist or someone who loves to sing but hasn't had much formal training, we welcome everyone with open arms. Our choir is a supportive and inclusive environment where you can grow as a singer and deepen your musical knowledge.
Benefits of joining our choir...
Nurture Your Musical Talents:
Our choir director and choristers will provide guidance and mentorship, helping you develop and refine your singing abilities.
Forge Lifelong Friendships:
Joining the choir means joining a community that becomes like a second family. You'll make lasting friendships and create cherished memories.
Stress Reduction:
Singing has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels by promoting the release of endorphins, which are the "feel-good" hormones in the brain.
Improved Breathing and Posture:
Proper singing technique requires deep breathing and good posture, leading to enhanced lung capacity and overall respiratory health.
Enhanced Cognitive Function:
Learning and memorising music exercises the brain, improving memory, focus, and cognitive skills.
Boosted Mood:
Singing in a choir can uplift spirits, create a sense of joy, and combat feelings of loneliness or depression.
Sense of Belonging:
Choirs foster a strong sense of community and belonging, providing social support and connections with like-minded individuals.
Life-Long Learning:
Choirs offer opportunities for continuous learning, exploring new music styles and expanding musical knowledge.
Teamwork Skills:
Choirs teach collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork, as members work together to create harmonious music.
We are a four part choir (Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses).
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30pm in Church.
Being a member of our choir is FREE!
Our leaders are DBS checked.



Register Your Interest Here

How to get in touch with us...

To express your interest or if you have any questions, please contact us:
Call: (01663) 749323 | 0778 951 8313
We look forward to hearing from you.
Latest Choir News

On Sunday 23rd June 2024, four members of our choir attended the Derby Diocese Choral Festival at St. Mary's and All Saints Parish Church in Chesterfield (The Crooked Spire).

The choir was made up of around 130 choristers from parish church choirs from around the Derby Diocese.

Music included Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C (C.V.Stanford) and O How Glorious (Bairstow).

The choir was directed by Alexander Binns - Director of Music at Derby Cathedral and the organ was played by Peter Shepherd - Organist and Choir Director of All Saints Parish Church in Chesterfield.

A great day was had by all and we really look forward to taking part in next years festival.