Weekly Church Services
8.00am - Said Communion in the Lady Chapel
10.00am - Sung Parish Communion
6.30pm - Evening Prayer
A warm welcome awaits you at any of our services.
Many events and special services take place throughout the year. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook pages for up to date information.
-Accessing the church out of normal worship times-
The church is locked outside worship times for security and safety reasons.
However, if you would like to gain access to the church to have a look around or to spend some quiet time, please try and give us plenty of notice so that we can arrange for someone to unlock the church for you.
Please call: Fr. Owain on (01663) 743225 or you can email by clicking here
"Offering a welcoming, god-centred environment to the people of new mills"
St. George’s Church is proud to be the Parish Church of New Mills. Many local people speak of the warm welcome they receive for baptisms and weddings, and many families have loved ones buried in our churchyard.
The Church is packed with local residents – and some who travel a great distance – for festivals and special occasions. Our regular congregation are a warm and welcoming group of people who strive to be the people of God in this place, and they belong to many organisations in and around the church and town.
Justly proud of our Choir and Organist, they bring beautiful and uplifting music to our worship. Local schoolchildren find us a welcome resource for their R.E. lessons, and we thoroughly enjoy them in church for their assemblies, concerts and presentations. We also have excellent links with St George’s Primary School, our Church primary school.
There is an expanding programme of activities for members of the community. You can find up-to-date information, news and events on our Facebook page.
The people of the church care for these beautiful buildings on behalf of all local people, fundraising extensively and receiving no government help. We want to ensure that the church is here to serve many generations into the future, just as it has been here in the past.
We are part of the Church of England, and worship God together in the Catholic Tradition where a spirit of joy predominates. We are what the Diocese of Derby refers to as a ”Mission and Ministry Area”, and the whole of the Parish is where we are called to work for God engaging in both mission and ministry.
New Mills itself is a lively and interesting town on the edge of Derbyshire’s Peak District where our agricultural and industrial past, present and future meet.
I'm New Here...
A warm welcome always awaits you here at St. George's Parish Church. If you are new to St. George's Parish Church, please do introduce yourself to one of the team. If you would like to get involved please speak to either Fr. Owain or one of the Churchwardens. We are really glad that you have come to join us here at St. George's.
What to expect here at St. George's...
A warm welcome to St. George's
There will always be someone at the entrance to welcome you to the church and to help you feel at home. They will also give you an order of service. Please do ask any questions if you are not sure of anything.
Worship, Prayer & Music
Our worship here varies throughout the year depending on the Christian calendar. The readings and prayers and worship all reflect the theme of the day or seasons. The music is led by our church choir and organist.
During communion, if you are confirmed, please feel free to come up to the altar to receive the bread & wine.
If you would just like a blessing, please bring up your order of service to the altar to indicate this.
Refreshments and Social
After our main Sunday service at 10am we serve refreshments where we have the opportunity to have a chat and a catch up with others.
How should I dress?
There is no dress code to attend church.
Come as you feel comfortable.
Where should I sit?
Can my children attend?
Absolutely! We have a children's corner with books and activities. We do ask that children are not left unattended.
Contact Fr. Owain Mitchell
Vicar of New Mills
Ways you can contact Fr. Owain: The Vicarage, Church Lane, New Mills, SK22 4NP Tel: (01663) 743225
EmailParish Hall Booking Enquiries
Richard Hole - Parish Hall Manager
Ways you can make a parish hall enquiry: The Parish Office, Church Lane, New Mills, SK22 4NP Tel: (01663) 749323
EcoChurch is a learning community of churches of all shapes and sizes open to all denominations. It provides a framework to support churches and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God's earth.
We are extremely proud to have been awarded the Bronze certificate from EcoChurch.
Kevin the Chorister is our new member of the team here at St. George's. He will be exploring our church and the Christian faith in a series of short bite-sized videos suitable for all the family to watch and take part in.
Click on the link below to be taken to Kevin's Youtube Playlist...
Scan the QR code to be taken to our secure online giving platform.
St. George’s Parish Church relies entirely on the generosity of our regular congregation giving and we do not receive any funding from the government. The money we receive goes towards the community work, pastoral work, missionary and ministry work within the parish of New Mills.
We are also responsible for the upkeep of this beautiful and historic building of St. George’s. The money that our regular congregation gives also has to cover the electric, lighting, heating and repairs. This special building is here as a place of prayer, sanctuary as well as being a useable space for the whole community.
For the work and life of St. George’s to continue, we need your help.
You can donate today by scanning the QR code opposite and using our safe online giving platform operated by 'Givealittle'.
You can also click the button below to be taken to our church giving page where you fine a number of ways in which you can support St. George's Church financially.
Disabled Access
We now have a portable disabled ramp for access into the church.
If you are visiting the church for events or services, it would greatly assist us if you could notify us in advance should you need the ramp for access so that we can have this in place before you arrive.
You can call Fr.Owain on:01663 743224 or email the Churchwardens by clicking the HERE.