As a society and a Church, we are facing uncertain and untested times.  As you will be aware, we have been instructed to desist from gathering for public worship, but this need to be carefully held in tension with the need to continue to worship God and serve our fellow humanity.


And it’s important to keep the bigger picture in mind.  There is a lot of good things happening in our lives and in the world.  Celebrations haven’t stopped, good news still comes our way.  People are still predominantly wonderful.  I’d like to say thank you to everyone from Saint George’s and within the wider community who have come together to look out for friends and neighbours during this time.  I’m meeting so many kind, energetic and inspirational people, people who value and appreciate everyone’s contribution to our community response, whether big or small.  Thank you.



Sharing information

We are conscious that not everyone has access to the internet.  We would encourage members to cascade down all information to other church and community members, please.


Father Owain would find it helpful to have an updated list of names, telephone numbers, email and postal addresses of congregants in order to keep in touch and share with any further guidance or developments and resources you may find helpful during this period.  Please do contact Father Owain and let him have your contact details.  These will be stored securely and treated confidentially.  We have set up a link on our website, or you can email, telephone or post your contact information to Father Owain.


If you know of neighbours without access to the internet, and you are able to get out and about, do pick up some prayer resources from church and drop them though the letter boxes of those who would appreciate them.



Key Service Providers

We are drawing up a list of key community service providers which parishioners may find helpful


Please note that the fact that we are willing to share contact details for key service providers during the corona isolation period should not in any way be taken as an endorsement of those providers, we simple wish to flag up to our worshipping community what services are available.


New Mills Town Council                                                       01663 743434

New Mills & District Volunteer Centre                                 01663 744169

New Mills Helping Hand Foodbank                                       07425 177 999

Jeremy Unsworth Funeral Services                                        01663 742772

Sett Valley Surgery                                                                 01663 743483

Citizens Advice                                                                       0300 456 8390

Last Wishes Funeral Care                                                      01663 744433


Useful Websites

New Mills Town Council A-Z of services

Helping Hands

New Mills & District Volunteer Centre


New Mills Helping Hands have produced and distributed cards for people who might wish to help neighbours who are self-isolating.  The cards offer help with shopping, a friendly telephone call, posting mail and collecting urgent supplies.  There is a stock of these cards in Church, if anyone wishes to pop one through a neighbour’s door.

The New Mills and District Volunteer Centre are working to set up a network of telephone support for those in isolation.  Please see their Facebook page for further details.


High Peaks Community and Voluntary Support are collating information on the help and support available in the area.  You will be able to find helpful information on their Facebook page:



Or Twitter:


Please do let us know of any other service providers we might add to this list.  If you are a local service provider and would like us to pass on your details to members of Saint George’s, do let us know.

Telephone Support

If you or anyone you know has been left isolated at home as a result of the coronavirus situation, and would like someone to telephone you for a chat, please do pass on your name, telephone number to the Vicar (01663) 743225) and  Father Owain will arrange for someone from Saint George’s to telephone you.  By forwarding your name and number, your consent to the sharing of your personal information to other church members during these difficult times will be taken to be implicit.


If anyone is able to give some time to telephoning those who find themselves housebound as a result of the Coronavirus measures, please let Father Owain know your name, telephone number and he will forward to you any requests for calls.



Worship & Prayer

Saint George’s will be open between 10-11 and 6-7 daily for the community to drop in to pray.  Please do be mindful of the government guidelines on hygiene and maintaining a safe distance.


We are producing some resources for use in church or at home, which will be posted on the website.  Father Owain is happy to drop copies off to the homes of any members who don’t have internet access.  Just let him know.


We will be recording some services which will be available online and in CD/Printed format for members to use at home during the suspension of public worship


Prayer requests – If you would like us to pray for you, your loved ones, or for any specific thing going on in your life at this time, please do let Father Owain know.  This can be done by clicking the prayer request button on our website, by telephone, or by sending Father Owain your request by post.  Unless otherwise indicated, Father Owain will treat your prayer request as confidential, and will include it in his private prayers each day.  Alternatively, if you would like your prayer request to be included in the Parish Mass, which will be recorded and posted on our website each Sunday, please indicate this.


Prayer Chain – If any members of Saint George’s are interested in creating a prayer chain, praying both generally for the needs of the Church, the world and our community, or for any specific prayer requests, please contact Father Owain