Churchyard Information
How do we transform St. George's Churchyard into one that could win a best-kept churchyard competition?
This churchyard is maintained by High Peak Borough Council, who are responsible for mowing the grass, the cutting of the trees and so forth. Volunteers from Saint George’s Church assist in keeping the general churchyard tidy and safe. Plot owners are responsible for the upkeep and safety of their plots.
The Churchyard Regulations (2021) are intended to ensure the conservation of the character of our churchyards and to encourage good design. They also make it possible to maintain the grounds to the highest possible standard through regular mowing of the grass. And they ensure that all can find peace and comfort in the grounds. We hope that you find this churchyard peaceful and pleasant. To assist the Council in mowing the grass, and our volunteers in general tidying of the grounds, please note the following regulations of the Diocese of Derby: Headstones and plaques must conform to Diocesan specifications. Authorisation must be obtained from the Vicar by a Stonemason before any monuments are erected. A single fee is payable towards the upkeep of the churchyard. Kerbs, railings, edging, chippings and paving slabs are not permitted on or around grave spaces. The planting of trees, shrubs or flowers at graves is not permitted. Free-standing vases, containers and ornaments are not permitted. Artificial flowers are not permitted Kerbings, chippings, etc., plants, shrubs and flowers, and free standing vases, containers and ornaments not only make it extremely difficult to cut the grass, but present serious health and safety hazards. The risk of tripping, cuts from broken glass, and chippings being thrown up when mowing are dangerous to both the Council Workers, our volunteers, and members of the general public. The full Churchyard Regulations Document can be viewed by clicking the button below.
How is the Church Council Working to improve the Churchyard?
Our volunteers regularly give of their time, energy and money to work on the general appearance. Over time, graves sink, creating uneven ground. Mowing the graveyard is not possible because the uneven terrain. Currently the council can only strim the grass. To address this, we have created a compost area along the hedge between the burial area to the north of the Church and the Church Field. Once composted down, this will be used to level the sunken areas, making it possible to mow. The churchyard is susceptible to waterlogging. To address this, we are exploring the possibility of planting more small trees which we hope will draw out some of the excess water…
How can you help?
To ensure that we can maintain this churchyard to the highest possible standards, to assist those responsible for the upkeep of the grounds and to ensure that all may find this a place of comfort and peace, please: Remove any items for which consent has neither been sought nor granted from any grave for which you are responsible. Help keep the churchyard tidy. Do not leave rubbish on other people’s graves, by the hedges or up against the church or toilet block. Dead flowers and plants can be added to the compost heap. Place plastic wrappings, pots & tubs and so forth in the rubbish bins by the gates on Church Lane or take home with you. Remove Christmas Wreaths, Remembrance Wreaths or any other displays within three months of laying.
Contact High Peak Borough Council if you have any concerns about the length of the grass or the safety of trees.
Thank you.
The Parochial Church Council of Saint George the Martyr, New Mills.
HIGH PEAK BOROUGH COUNCIL Mr. Terry Redfern - Cemetery Superintendent (HPBC & SMDC) 0345 129 7777 ex.2068 OR 0345 605 3010