Supporting Stepping Hill NHS Hospitals 'Cradle Charity'.
The ward looks after and support woman who have early pregnancy complications such as ectopic, molar and miscarriage. The ward’s CRADLE Charity provides a range of services to support anyone affected by early pregnancy loss
Cradle Charity donate emergency comfort bags to bereaved woman who have been admitted to help bring them some comfort during a difficult and stressful time. The most important thing in the comfort bag is the letter to bereaved parents, signposting anyone affected by baby to Cradle’s online and local ambassador support.
We are asking the local communities for support in donating travel size toiletries (sanitary towels, mini hairbrushes, individual packets of pocket tissues, lip balm, peppermint tea, shampoo and conditioner, roll on deodorant, shower gel, face wipes, mini hairbrushes, soap). for the CRADLE comfort bags.
I can collect in person, or drop off at mine, or we have an amazon wish list.
A box has been placed at the back of church for any donations, thank you.